Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Bite-sized, Science Backed Learning

Empower your team to effortlessly spot and defend against cyber threats.

An ensemble of cyber guardian heroes, ready to use Prventi to join the global fight against cybercrime.

The Prventi Learning Blueprint

In cybersecurity training, retaining critical information amidst real-world threats is a challenge. Our modules strategically reinforce key insights, consistently resurfacing learned information.


Small lessons completed regularly to cultivate lasting learning habits. These quick, interactive and on-the-go sessions allow you to learn at your convenience.


Progress that isn’t just tracked, its celebrated. Achieve milestones and unlock rewards.

Behavioural Changing

Our training is designed to change behaviour, in the short and long term. Learn to make the right calls in the face of imminent phishing threats and lower your risk score.

Engaging, Effective and Relevant

Say goodbye to tedious videos and embrace a captivating learning experience that keeps your employees hooked.

No more boring training videos

That’s right. Gone are the days of boring and long training videos. Prventi delivers daily, 5min, interactive learning content to help your employees learn about cyber threats.

Real life scenarios

Our lessons empower users to make informed decisions in the face of real-world cyber threats. Recognising and avoiding actual threat tactics is vital for fortifying your company's defences.

Important security tips

Stay ahead by staying informed about the latest and most critical cybersecurity threats that could impact your business.

An ensemble of cyber guardian heroes, ready to use Prventi to join the global fight against cybercrime.
An ensemble of cyber guardian heroes, ready to use Prventi to join the global fight against cybercrime.

Get Prventi today and strengthen your teams cyber defence

Don’t wait for an attack. Prepare your business with Prventi’s phishing simulation and innovative cybersecurity training.

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